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Family Friendly Churches

Multimedia Training



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Please note that video files can be large files and so may take some time to download - even on Broadband

© May we remind you that all of the material on IDEAS is protected by Copyright. Please do not pass this file onto anyone else or share your IDEAS password with others beyond the agreement. These things will damage the work of the trust and also deprive those who create the material of income.

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If the download fails, then click the Right Mouse Button on here, and then select "Save Target as ..." or "Save Link as ..." to download the file.

This is download number:271

If you are experiencing problems dowloading there is now a User Guide to help you.

We recommend using Mozilla Firefox for use with IDEAS

Please note that you need to be registered with CCLI to use the copyright material provided by IDEAS

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 Copyright © 2010, The Family Friendly Churches Trust